Hoffman Middle East events with Tim Laurence

Hoffman UK founder Tim Laurence (pictured) worked closely with Bob Hoffman in California before bringing the Process to the UK in 1995. He has taught the Hoffman Process around the world for nearly 30 years, and is the author of the Hoffman book ‘You Can Change Your Life‘ Tim is a regular visitor to the [...]
Tim Laurence interviewed by Luke Storey, ‘The Life Stylist’

Tim Laurence interviewed by Luke Storey, ‘The Life Stylist’

Hoffman graduate Luke Storey is a former Hollywood fashion stylist turned public speaker, broadcaster and entrepreneur. The Life Stylist is his weekly podcast, where Luke shares his 'strategies for healing, happiness, and high-performance living.' Since doing the Process in 2017, Luke says, 'Life has changed drastically in the most positive sense... The Hoffman Process was [...]
A Life Full of Patterns: with Tim Laurence

A Life Full of Patterns: with Tim Laurence

A foundation stone of the Hoffman Process is building an awareness of the patterns that run our lives. Here Hoffman UK founder Tim Laurence explains why it’s so helpful to identify our patterns, where they come from and the easiest way to unravel them.

Staying Present to Your Presence: with Tim Laurence

Staying Present to Your Presence: with Tim Laurence

You Can Still Change Your Life Hoffman UK founder Tim Laurence first wrote You Can Change Your Life in 2003. Here he explains why the newly revised book about the Hoffman Process is even more relevant now than it was ten years ago. What do you hope that people will gain from reading 'You Can [...]
Namaste: Brigid McConville interviews Tim Laurence

Namaste: Brigid McConville interviews Tim Laurence

Learning to Forgive - The Greater the Hurt, the Greater the Benefits of Forgiveness The things that can be hardest to forgive may be those that happened farthest back in time. Little things sometimes, but strongly symbolic of patterns that may have lasted a lifetime. Is it possible to move on from these old hurts [...]