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The Hoffman Scholarship Fund

Step on board our Vision

The Hoffman Scholarship Fund was set up in 2017. It reflects Bob Hoffman’s Vision to ‘create peace in the world, one person at a time’.

The Fund allows us to provide subsidised Hoffman Process places to Hoffman applicants who either work in a humanitarian field or provide services that support social welfare, but who would otherwise not be able to afford the course fees.

Please note that Hoffman does not issue 100% scholarships. The level of financial support we undertake to provide to applicants remains at our discretion and will vary on a case-by-case basis, with most awards being in the region of £500.


Those who apply for funding to the Hoffman Scholarship committee will need to:

  • Demonstrate that you currently work or volunteer in a field that supports humanitarian or environmental welfare. You may be a teacher, therapist, foster parent, youth or social worker, emergency worker, carer, or health practitioner. Perhaps you run a charity or community group, or volunteer in a role outside of your day-to-day employment where you give your time and expertise to support a community in other ways. In either case, you’re encouraged to apply and tell us why doing the Hoffman Process would make a difference to you and to the people you support.
  • Explain why you feel that the work you currently do helps educate the public in a holistic way of living and why doing the Hoffman Process would benefit your wider community.

Criteria for receiving a scholarship include:

  • your readiness for the Process.
  • the potential contribution that your Process could make to the life of your family, the people you support and your wider community

Please be aware before making an application:

  • If you are offered and accept a subsidised Scholarship place on the Hoffman Process, you will need to be able to commit to paying the remaining fee balance once the award discount has been allocated. Most awards are in the region of £500, which would leave a balance of £3.300 to pay (depending on venue).
  • The Scholarship Fund relies on donations in order to operate. From time to time, this unfortunately means that we are unable to offer any subsidised places through the Fund.

We also offer payment plans by pre-arrangement that can help to spread the cost of the Process; visit our Price page for more details. For more information,  email or call the office on +44(0)1903 88 99 90.

Application Procedure

There are two forms to complete as part of your Hoffman Scholarship Fund application.

number oneThe first is to tell us a little about you and why you feel you would be a good candidate for a Hoffman scholarship. Click here to complete your scholarship application.

number twoThe second is an enrolment form, which is the first step in registering on the Process itself. This form will be read by members of our enrolment team to help us assess your general suitability for the course. Click here to complete your scholarship enrolment form.

If you need any help with your application, or have questions about the Hoffman Scholarship fund, please call the office or email

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