Stella Horgan
Living Your Process (LYP) is a six-month course, designed exclusively for Hoffman graduates by Senior Hoffman Facilitator and business coach, Stella Horgan (pictured). Our first six-month online programme was led by Stella and other members of the Hoffman facilitation team, and the first LYP cohort graduated in July 2021.
The broad aim of Living Your Process is to support participants in the implementation of a project vision of benefit to the wider community, using Hoffman tools and graduate networking.
Stella says:
‘Living Your Process was designed for Hoffman Graduates who have a deep desire to positively impact the world. They’ve done the Process, and now its time to take all that goodness, power and clarity into the world and actualise a vision, a purpose.
We responded to a desire in the Graduate community to vitalise their leadership, to connect and work with other graduates, and take the insight and liberation they experienced as a result of the Process into the world, and with clear, conscious intent, develop a project that raises the frequency of the planet, increases health, care, love, prosperity, innovation, healing and creativity on Planet Earth.
We paralleled use and building expertise of the Hoffman tools, enabling people to “Know Thyself, Be Thyself” and really clean up and embody their leadership, with other cutting edge modalities to enable high quality relationships, critical thinking, realisations of existing and often overlooked resources and networks and 7th generation planning.
It is an unfolding endeavour, and the group developed deep friendships which I believe are nourished with ongoing communications. It was a real privilege working with each individual, and an honour to be part of this group of pioneers fortifying their vessels, their agility and effectiveness for the stormy times we live in.’
You can read a snapshot of just a few of the projects that our 2021 participants have been working on below – thank you to all who contributed.

Fiona Blackley
Fiona Blackley
Hoffman Graduate since: 2019
Current work: Carer, fundraiser, coach
LYP Project aim: To extend coaching practice and launch a holistic wellbeing centre
Fiona says:
‘Life was an emotional rollercoaster for the first 9 months or so after the Process, but I focused on my mental health and self care and by the end of 2019 a plan began to form.
As a first step in the right direction, I signed up for a Diploma in Life Coaching and by the end of 2020 I was qualified with a couple of clients and a vague plan of what I wanted for my future. It was then that I saw the Hoffman Living Your Process course and signed up for it immediately.
On the course, there was a combination of those with a business model already and those with none. I didn’t have a business yet but I had a plan. I still had the internal voices of doubt, judgement and insecurity for company, but LYP meant I was able to work on these, using many of the Hoffman tools in an intimate, safe and non-judgemental group with others who all spoke ‘Hoff’.
As the course was read over six months, I had the beauty of time and space to be able to really focus on how the negative voices within me were impacting my plans for the future. It was wonderful to have strong group support for an extended time, whether that was full day-long sessions or short WhatsApp comments.
Externally, many things in my life are the same and yet everything is different. Life is exciting, it’s energetic and it’s full of joy … and I know it will continue to be so even when there are difficult times.
My short-term plan is to grow my website and extend my own coaching experience and abilities. Longer term, I intend to set up a centre for courses, retreats, workshops and respite care. The land is already sorted in East Hampshire with outbuildings that could be converted.
My driving force is to contribute to a growing spiritual knowledge and awareness of our connection to everyone and everything. The LYP course and all of its members helped to bring out my spirit-led force and gave me the strength and focus to move this forward.’
Find out more / get involved:
If there are any Life Coaches or Therapists that would be interested in collaborating in any way at all, Fiona would love to hear from you.

Posy Brewer
Posy Brewer
Hoffman Graduate since: 2019
Current work: Voice Actor & Producer
LYP Project aim: To design and produce a video game and app called ROBIN, that takes the user through guided experiences to help them identify their current emotional state. They’re then coached through steps towards a healthier, happier self. On the way, they earn points which can be cashed in to build a tree house of their own design.
Posy says:
‘When I heard about the Hoffman Living Your Process programme (LYP) I decided that this was the ideal vehicle to get this project off the ground.
I found the course challenged me to grow, as I had to work on parts of my personality that were stopping me from gaining momentum – but there was also a lot of support. At the start I was really surprised how much personal feelings and beliefs were holding me back. I realised I had some big patterns that were getting in the way.
The Hoffman tools that we learned on the Process were adapted and used in our LYP sessions to give us insight and facilitate our progress. For example one of my challenges has been getting the funding and investment in place, along with having the confidence to reach out more and ask for help.
I feel LYP has helped me gain confidence and belief in what I’m doing and gain a better understanding of my skills and leadership ability.
I’ve been particularly surprised at the bond within the group, especially as we’ve had to do it all via Zoom during these times of restricted travel. The wonderful energy, connection and support has been amazing.
I’m so pleased I took this leap and did the LYP. I hope that we’re able to continue to connect within our group for many months to come as well as to collaborate with other interested Hoffman Grads whose skills could help us grow our projects further.’
Find out more / get involved:
To find out more about the ROBIN project and why robins are so special to Posy, visit https://www.robin-game.co.uk/

Tania Chickhani
Tania Chickhani
Hoffman Graduate since: 2010
Current work: Healer; Relationship, Life and Executive Coach; Marriage and Family Associate Therapist; Entrepreneur
LYP Project aim: To create an educational platform which consists of four components: group journeying and community, visual learning, therapeutic and technological.
Tania says:
‘I signed up to the Living Your Process programme because I felt that connecting with a community of like-minded individuals in a supportive and structured environment would create the container I’ve struggled to create for myself through the years. One that would allow me to move forward in a new way.
My vision for LYP was that within six months, I would have completed all the research, analysis, sourcing and preparation required for a successful launch. I was focused on creating a technology that would help others thrive in love because I believe love is the greatest vibration we can carry for ourselves and others and when our hearts are free, we can go on to lead the lives we were always destined for.
My mission is to help others master relationships, connect to their soul’s journey and open to love, so they can free themselves from the chains that are holding them back from truly living. I already do this through my coaching practice; however, I felt a deep calling to create a scalable business model that would reach more people than private 1:1 sessions ever could. I envisioned myself creating a tool that bridges science and spirituality to revolutionise how we love, connect, and understand each other.
As a couples counselor, one of my primary roles is to teach others how to connect and communicate authentically with themselves and their partners. While that brings me great joy, it is not scalable; nor is it accessible beyond just a privileged few. I wanted to create a technology that would make therapy accessible to anyone who wanted it. And I was planning on using this new spiritual entrepreneurship program I had just signed up for to do so.
If you’ve done the Process then you’ll relate to the lesson that attachment to the outcome is futile when it comes to anything Hoffman. From the first session, I found myself immersed in patterns and transferences I thought I had recycled to the bone. Instead of focusing on generating a spiritually aligned business plan, I was riding elevators and processing unhealed wounds. Sourcing talent and connecting with manufacturers took a back seat to dates with my dark side. And for some reason bashes and dance-offs felt more strategic than trying to line up investors.
Most of the six months was spent solidifying my internal foundation so the venture would have a solid structure to stand on. I think I changed my project at least seven times throughout the program and in the end I had to resign myself to the fact that my real project was me. Living Your Process enabled me to reconnect to my Hoffman family and integrate the tools that had served me greatly in the past into my everyday life today and for that I’m immensely grateful.
Six months later, I feel I’m finally ready to start working on the project I submitted in my application to the program. I want to create an educational platform which consists of four verticles including a group journeying and community component, visual learning component, therapeutic component and technological component. For this next step in my journey, I intend to focus on the technological component to foster connection.
At the end of the day, I’m a marketeer turned therapist of the heart and this project feels bigger than me. I’d love to collaborate with other Hoffman graduates who have walked this path or who have experience creating new technologies and can help me either to build it, or finance or mentor me. I’m looking for guidance with creating the program, scaling its impact and connecting with others, and I’d love to connect with you if you feel called to reach out.
Find out more / get involved:
Visit: www.taniachikhani.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/tania.chikhani/
Instagram: @chikhani or https://www.instagram.com/chikhani/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taniachikhani/

Wendy Tomlinson
Wendy Tomlinson
Hoffman Graduate since: 2011
Current work: Life Coach
LYP Project aim: To develop a coaching practice with enough paying clients to be able to offer services pro bono to people who have experienced adversity or life experiences resulting in unconventional world views.
Wendy says:
‘I did the Hoffman Process in December 2011 and remember that I vowed to speak my truth and be fearless about the consequences. My pleaser patterns, my playing small, holding my breath, my being and longing for less instead of more – in the past, these had all stopped me not only speaking my truth but even knowing what that truth might be.
And then I saw the Living Your Process programme: it felt like a blessing from the Hoffman universe. I was heading toward my final certification as a coach and I had a dream about the kind of people I wanted to help; the impact I wanted to have on the world and the person I wanted to be while I was doing it. These goals felt different to ones I’d set before because central to them all was my intention to be authentic.
My LYP project was to develop a coaching practice which had enough paying clients to be able to offer my services pro bono to people who had experienced adversity or life experiences that resulted in unconventional world views.
I want to offer coaching to people working in environmental conservation as well as those working in creative and helping industries. People who fundamentally find value in the same things I do and whose ambitions I could wholeheartedly champion.
I’d lost sight of some of what I‘d learned doing Hoffman and LYP helped me step back and remember those insights that can be hard to see when you’re caught in patterns. It gave me the platform to revisit and strengthen new behaviour.
The combination of peer groups, one to one coaching and the ‘bigger’ (though still small) group brought the Process to life day by day, week by week. The best bits for me were the days we were together as a big group, albeit online. My project changed and developed over time and LYP shone a light on the personal challenges that it faced me with. It helped me examine what was in the way of who I wanted to be.
The mix of leadership, facilitation and collaboration from Stella and the other facilitators felt like an uplifting, inspiring and nurturing treat. I really valued the reminder about tools and the gentle enlivening of them in my daily life.
Being able to ask for help from the peer group was crucial, as was the inspiration and sense of belonging found in watching others do that for each other. In really practical terms, we’ll be staying in touch and sharing ideas, resources, support and of course friendship.
Now I have a clear idea of my coaching practice and what I offer, although I know it will continue to evolve.’
Find out more / get involved:
Do you know anyone who might benefit from coaching? Someone who might want support to live the life they wish for? I’d like to be able to offer some pro-bono coaching to young people leaving unconventional childhoods, including the care system and to those experiencing homelessness and related uncertainty and wanting to redesign their lives in unfiltered and unlimited ways. Ask about a sample session. I coach on the phone, on Zoom and face to face. I coach outdoors in the summer.
Email: wendytomlinson7@gmail.com
Twitter: @wtfrebelcoach

Deric van der Schoot
Deric Van Der Schoot
Hoffman Graduate since: 2018
Current work: Urologist
LYP Project aim: To facilitate Harmony and Awareness to groups and individuals
Deric says:
‘I found the six month Living your Process programme a wonderful way to connect with fellow Hoffman Graduates, to hone and deepen the tools we were given during the Process.
Because each participant knew the Hoffman work, it was surprising and wonderful to see how quickly we were able to connect with each other, even through a virtual environment in different countries. Even expressive work was on the menu. The LYP has given me security, structure and self-love. In particular it reconnected me to the promises I made to myself during the Process.
By the final graduation day, I knew that when I embody acceptance and pure love I move into flow and boundless energy, co-creating with the universe and flying as free as a bird.
I now know that I stand for love and connecting people to the flow. I want to make them realise how beautiful and unique each one of us is. That’s what I am weaving into the world.
In my work as a doctor, I’m already able to do this. The next step will be to facilitate this kind of work for other people. ‘
We’d like to thank all of the 2021 Living Your Process participants who have shared their stories and projects, as well as Senior Hoffman Facilitator Stella Horgan for developing and leading the course.
If you are a Hoffman graduate and would like to express an interest in registering for a future LYP cohort, please email info@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk