Hoffman webinar: Parenting for uncertain times

Michelle Matthews and Eliza Meredith

Michelle Matthews and Eliza Meredith

Parenting for uncertain times

Thank you to all of the graduates who attended our Hoffman webinar on Wednesday 13 May 2020. And also a huge thank you to Eliza Meredith and Michelle Matthews for leading the session and sharing their wisdom and expertise.

An audio recording of this webinar can be found here.
To download the .mp3 file to your computer, right-click the link and select ‘Save Link As’
The workbook that accompanies this webinar can be found here
here are also some links to additional resources for children at the bottom of this page. Thank you to Hoffman grad Georgina Wilson for suggesting these.

Hoffman graduates who would like some extra support at this time can now book one-to-one Hoffman coaching with Eliza (and other members of the Hoffman UK facilitator team) on our website, here.
Michelle’s website and contact details can be found here.

Pay what you feelPay What You Feel: We plan to keep offering live Hoffman events to keep our community engaged and supported, and not to charge for them. However, we have introduced a ‘pay what you feel’ scheme. If you feel you received some benefit and value from this event and want to help with our costs, please click here to make a payment via PayPal. Thank you so much! x

Resources for children in uncertain times

The Paediatric College website has a page full of resources: www.rcpch.ac.uk/resources/covid-19-resources-parents-carers
Three of the children’s books are

The Maudsley has also launched Families Under Pressure for parents who might be struggling: familiesunderpressure.maudsleycharity.org Initially there is a series of animated films, with actors like Olivia Coleman who are also parents.

Our office is still offering one-to-one calls throughout lockdown to people who are considering the Process and whether it may be right for them. If you’re new to Hoffman and would like to find out more, email enrolment@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk to book a free, confidential assessment.

We also offer one-to-one catch-up calls with people who have done the Process and would like to explore ways to reconnect to their Hoffman experience. Email graduates@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk to book a session.