Graduate Support Group: Wait List Ticket

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Support Group: Wait List Ticket £15.00 GBP  

You have received this link to make payment for an in-person Support Group wait list place. Please click the ‘Pay now’ button and complete the steps that follow to pay by credit/debit card or PayPal. Please note we do not take Amex. If you would prefer to pay over the phone by debit or credit (more…)

Introduction to Hoffman: Wednesday 20 November

If you would like more information about Hoffman courses and events, this informal introduction session by Zoom is a wonderful opportunity to find out more. Led by members of the Hoffman enrolment team, the hour-long session will provide a mix of information and the opportunity for Q&A. Attend with your camera on or off – (more…)

London Graduate Support Group: Wednesday 20 November – Wait List

This support group is now full. If you would like to be added to the wait list for this date, please email us: Join Hoffman facilitator and Managing Director Serena Gordon for an evening in the company of other Hoffman graduates. Each month, Serena will be offering the opportunity to check in, work through a tool (more…)

Hoffman Tool Masterclass: November – The Elevator with Serena Gordon

Hoffman Tool Masterclass: November – The Elevator with Serena Gordon

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Hoffman Tool Masterclass: The Elevator £20.00 GBP  

Our Hoffman Tool Masterclasses are led every month by members of the Hoffman UK facilitator team. Each class lasts for 90 minutes and shines a spotlight on a specific tool, technique or practice. Enhance your existing understanding of key Hoffman practices and gain practical suggestions you can take away and use to keep your Process (more…)