Hoffman Newsletter: January 2015
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 As you woke up this morning I wonder whether you felt inspired to create some goals and visions for 2015? Where would you like to be this time next year? What will you feel grateful for and what would you like to have achieved? We asked performance coach and Hoffman Graduate Kelly Buckley to give us a preview into a new approach that she has developed, allowing us to create joyful goals for 2015 as well as her three top tips for how to achieve them.
For those of you who have forgotten some of the Hoffman Tools and would like to reconnect to Hoffman on a daily basis, you can enjoy our NEW Hoffman 365 Day Journal, which is full of creative ways to keep the Process spirit alive, all year round. Order one now and allow Hoffman to take the pressure off deciding what to do each day of the year! Hoffman Graduates can also join us for our first Support Call of 2105 on the subject of Goals, Intentions and Vision.
Wishing you all a lovely start to the year; keep in touch and do pass on our monthly newsletters and Hoffman Top Tips!
Feature /
/ Graduates / Process Dates / Top Tip
Kelly - In full swing!
 If the very idea of New Year's Resolutions makes you want to do something that is fattening, illegal or immoral, you'll love this fresh approach pioneered by Hoffman Graduate and Performance Coach Kelly Anne Buckley. Feeling that traditional goal-setting reflected outmoded values, Kelly got together with another performance coach and invented a joyful new recipe for making resolutions. It not only works but it's really fun to achieve.
'Since the 1980's businesses and coaching programmes have advocated S.M.A.R.T Goals : that's specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-bound goals. This approach distils complex desires down to the pursuit of a result that can be measured as 'complete' or 'not complete'. As a result of this approach in my own career, I'd reached goal fatigue. I'd been relentlessly pursuing ambitious results for many years but was feeling perpetually dissatisfied when I achieved them. I was also suffering from a growing distrust in my ability to follow through on my resolutions, even as I was making them.
Despite this I still believed there must be a way to live an ambitious life and enjoy the journey, so I joined forces with Geffen Rothe, a San Francisco-based performance coach. Together we created a new approach to setting goals, tracking progress and defining success; a way to achieve great results while feeling satisfied along the way...'
365 Days to Change Your Life!
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Priced at £15 Order your copy (or copies) now and get your year off to a fresh start.
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 Information Evenings: Tuesday January 13 and Tuesday February 24
This event provides the opportunity to meet Hoffman teachers and Process participants, ask questions, hear people's experiences and decide if the Process is right for you. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Regent's University, London NW1 4NS. The event is free and there's no need to book. More Info
Introduction Day: Saturday February 7
This 'stand alone' workshop is for people curious to learn about the Hoffman Process and what to expect from this week-long residential course.The day is experiential and you will hear about the origins of the Hoffman Process and learn several Hoffman techniques. The day costs £85 which is deducted from the Process fee on registration. Booking is essential as places are limited. There is no charge for Hoffman graduates attending with family or friends.
Information Phone-Ins: Tuesday January 6 and Tuesday February 3
Join our free monthly Conference calls to find out whether the Process is right for you. Tuesdays 7.30-8.30pm These calls are led by a member of the Hoffman team and often include previous course participants who can help answer your questions. You can call from anywhere in the world with a local call charge.
For any questions about the Hoffman process, call 01903 889990 or email us
 January 3-9, Dunford House, West Sussex January 24-30, Florence House, East Sussex February 14-20, Florence House, East Sussex March 14-20, Florence House, East Sussex April 4-10, Dunford House, West Sussex Click here for more UK Process dates and to book online.
Order your copy of the 2014 Hoffman magazine, read back issues 2012 or 2013 or send a copy to a friend. For any questions about the Hoffman Process, call 01903 889990 or email us.
S upport Call: Wednesday January 14
Goals, Intentions and VisionThis call will cover the tools and practices which will be most helpful in creating inspiring goals and visions for 2015. Led by supervising Hoffman teacher Jeremy Kynaston.
Reconnection Day: Saturday January 17 2015
Use Hoffman tools to brush away the Winter blues!
Come and start the year by spending a day with other Hoffman graduates. Rekindle your vision, clarify your direction and remind yourself how the Hoffman tools can be used on a daily basis. Invite members of your Hoffman process group and start 2015 the Hoffman way. Time: 10.00am - 5.30pm More info & to book
 Q2 Refresher: June 5-7 2015
Are you missing the Hoffman connection?
The Q2 allows you to build upon your Process work, providing an opportunity to explore some of the areas that you wish to investigate further. It enables you to focus on a particular relationship or challenge as well as deepening your Process experience. Venue: Florence House, East Sussex
For any questions on the Hoffman Process, please call 01903 889990 or email us
What can you do today to bring a breath of fresh air into your life? if you had a magic wand right now, what would you do to improve or revitalise your environment?
If it's possible, start to bring more of what you want into your daily life: colour, light, nature, order, love, friendship, pets, health, humour, peace.
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