 In this month's newsletter, you'll find:
- Tools for switching off and making the most of holidays
- Audio Interview with Dr David Hanscom on how the Hoffman Process can help with chronic pain
- New Hoffman dates in Ireland, and an October Irish Process
- Information events and upcoming Process dates
- 'After the Process'- what people are saying about Hoffman
With love from the Hoffman team

How to switch off, Hoffman style
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In this fast-paced world, switching off is ever more challenging. Even on holiday, we seem to be attached to our phones and iPads as though they were extensions of ourselves. Holidays mean different things to different people. Some dive head first onto a sunbed, moving only when they spot a cocktail umbrella, whilst others relax best zooming across the treetops on a zip wire. Some personalities replenish with time alone, whereas others feel re-energised in company. For a harmonious time away, it's important to respect your companions' way of winding down.... At Hoffman, we've developed tools and approaches to help you stay present and relaxed. Here's a collection of suggestions from our Hoffman team on how to have a trouble-free break. Click here to read more and download your holiday checklist

The mind-body link with pain
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|  | Dr David Hanscom |
In his 26 years of experience as a spine surgeon, David Hanscom has made significant steps in clarifying the link between our brain and chronic pain. Having overcome considerable chronic pain himself, after doing the Hoffman Process he felt he had the last piece of the puzzle, enabling him to finish his book, Back in Control: A Roadmap Out Of Chronic Pain. He has also finalised a program to help sufferers break the patterns causing their pain, including neck and back pain, IBS and migraines.
'I came out of the Process with a laser-beam focus of what I wanted to accomplish in the world of spine surgery, and I have accomplished more in the role of surgical leadership in the three years since my Process than during the prior 25 years.'
As David explains, an operation can correct a structural problem, but if the neurological pain pathways are still active, the pain may not disappear - hence so-called 'phantom limb pain' after an amputation. Pain pathways are closely related to feelings of anger and frustration, so dealing with these emotional triggers can be just as important for reducing pain as physical treatment. Indeed David describes the Process, when introduced at the right point during treatment, as 'the end run for chronic pain' as well as a personal turning point.
You can hear more in this fascinating hour long radio interview with Raz Ingrasci, President of Hoffman USA. The interview starts 1.24 minutes in. Listen here. You can read more about David's journey out of chronic pain on his website.His book, Back In Control is available on Amazon here.

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|  | The Old Rectory |
Due to the high demand for places on our courses, we have added an extra Process this year in Ireland. Whether you live in Ireland or overseas, you are welcome to register for this Process from Saturday October 1- Friday October 7.
Irish Processes are held at The Old Rectory, County Wicklow, an attractive 18th century Rectory situated within its own private grounds. The menu for the Process at The Old Rectory is vegetarian, and we can offer some single accommodation on a first come first served basis. We recommend booking as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. If you're based in Ireland and are not sure whether the Process is for you, come to our Information Evening in Dublin on Wednesday 31st August. The evening is free, there's no need to register, and Supervising Hoffman Teacher Jeremy Kynaston will be on hand to answer any questions you might have.
Cost: €2,900

Information events and Process Dates
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Information Phone-In: Tuesday 9 August
Is the Hoffman Process for you? The Phone-In is an easy alternative to our London Information Evenings. You can just listen in or, if you have a question, we'll be delighted to help. Call in from anywhere in the world! Time: 7.30pm-8.30pm
London Information Evening: Tuesday 16 August
A wonderful opportunity to find out more about the Process, meet Hoffman staff and teachers and hear course participants speak about their experience and answer your questions. Time: 7.30pm-9.30pm.
Venue: Regent's University, London NW1 4NS
Dublin Information Evening: Wednesday 31 August
Time: 7.30pm-9.30pm Venue: Brooks Hotel, 59-62 Drury Street, Dublin.
London Introduction Day: Saturday 22 October
We run Introduction Days throughout the year to give you a real insight into the Hoffman Process and how it can help you get the most out of your life. Time: 9.00am-5.30pm Venue: Artworkers' Guild, London, WC1N 3AT
August 6-12, Florence House FULL
August 20-26 Florence House FULL
September 24-30 Florence House
October 1-7 The Old Rectory November 19-25 Florence House
Any questions? call 01903 88 99 90 or email us

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Thiru Wallman
We love hearing from people who have done the Hoffman Process...'My husband noticed a positive shift in me, seeing I was more relaxed in myself and I was putting myself first. In fact, he saw the Process as being so beneficial to me that he ended up doing it too.' Thiru Wallman, Daily Express You can also read more articles and stories in of our free Hoffman magazine. Order a copy here.
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