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June 16 - The Strength To Survive with Aidan Campbell

hoffman_hA successful business consultant with a passion for self development, when Aidan was diagnosed with a brain tumour, he realised that it would take everything he’d learned and more to pull himself back from the brink…Read More »

April 16 – Finding Your Voice with Denise Quinlan

hoffman_hFor 23 years, Denise Quinlan’s work included business development, marketing, sales and partnering roles for IT companies. Caught in a high-pressure corporate environment driven by quarterly targets, she began to question what it was all about. Two years and one amazing road-trip later, her days couldn’t be more different. Read More »

February 16 – Defuse the past, ignite the present, with social entrepreneur Gina Lazenby

hoffman_hI love the Process because it’s such a great ‘clutter-bluster’. The stuff that we inherit becomes our ‘stuck’ patterns of behaviour, but we may be missing what’s very obvious to everyone around us. The Process acts as a psychological spring clean to create a healthier personal environment.”Read More »

December 15 – Staying Present To Your Presence with Tim Laurence

hoffman_hIn this interview, Hoffman UK founder and author, Tim Laurence, reminds us that long-lasting change only happens if you change from the inside and commit to new behaviour. Happiness doesn’t happen just by hanging more baubles on the Christmas tree… Read More »

October 15 – Dealing With Loss with Clare Gilsenan, Head of the Hoffman UK Enrolment team

hoffman_h‘Society often treats death as the final taboo, yet at some point all of us have to deal with the loss of someone we love. On the Hoffman Process one of the most common issues we help with is unmourned loss. In a society which admires a stiff upper lip, so few of us are allowed to fully express heartbreak when it happens.’ Read More »

August 15 – Free to be you, with success coach Julia Pitt

hoffman_hFor Bermudian success coach Julia Pitt, the famous triangle more accurately described a tricky relationship between her young son, herself and her ex-husband. Then in June 2013, she flew to the UK to do the Hoffman Process and got to the bottom of the mystery…Read More »

June 15 – The Power of Soft with Hilary Gallo

hoffman_hHilary Gallo started his career as a lawyer and went on to carve a niche both as a negotiator of complex deals and as a leader in the IT and services industry. Going through the Hoffman Process in 2010 gave him insights which he took back to the workplace, as well as his own life, to great effect. Here he explains how he developed the idea of The Power of Soft – How to get what you need and still be nice, which is the title of his upcoming book…Read More »

April 15 – Making Friends With Your Feelings with Manuela Berger

hoffman_hIn her mid-20s, Manuela Berger realised that her successful career in hospitality ticked everybody’s boxes but her own. During a year off to get some clarity she did the Hoffman Process. At first she felt it hadn’t ‘worked’ but then she found an unexpected new direction…Read More »

February 15 – Confront Your Fears with Lotte Mullan

hoffman_hMany of us attribute our stress levels to the hectic pace of today’s lifestyle but our nervous system is actually conditioned from a young age. So if you’re stuck in ‘flight or fight’ mode or anxiety is easily triggered, it can pay to take a look at your childhood. Hoffman Graduate and singer songwriter Lotte Mullan did exactly that and after years of therapy and depression she found unexpected peace.Read More »

December 14 – Reinventing Christmas with Lesley Garner

hoffman_hAre you tired of people asking: ‘What are you doing for Christmas?’ It seems you’re expected to have a plan. But what if a traditional Christmas doesn’t work for you? Maybe there are family estrangements or you’re facing your first Christmas without a loved one? We posed this question to author and former agony aunt Lesley Garner who did the Hoffman Process in 2003. Here’s her advice.Read More »

October 14 – Food, Mood & Cravings with Hoffman graduate and author, Joan Borysenko

hoffman_hA few years ago Hoffman graduate Joan Borysenko and her husband went on a low fat vegan diet to combat health problems only to find their symptoms worsened. As a cell biologist, Joan’s curiosity was piqued – how could the best advice make things worse? She spent the next 3 years reviewing the latest literature on nutrition and recent discoveries in epigenetics. (Simply put, epigenetics studies the factors which influence whether we activate our genetic tendencies – if your family is historically overweight, for example, does this mean that you will be too?). Read More »

August 14 – How to Switch Off – Tips for a Relaxing Break by Hoffman graduate, Nikki Wyatt

hoffman_hIn this fast-paced world switching off is ever more challenging – even on holiday we seem to be attached to our phones and iPads as though they were extensions of ourselves. In contrast, when you arrive at the Hoffman Process you’re asked to put your phone away so you can focus on yourself and the present moment. Although many people find this very difficult at first they eventually find it so liberating they’re often reluctant to turn them back on! Read More »

June 14 – Give YourSelf Permission with Hoffman graduate, life coach & author Priya Rana Kapoor

hoffman_hHow often do you do something for the sheer joy of doing it? Never mind if it achieves anything or has a point to it – it’s just glorious fun. For Priya Kapoor guilt-free fun was a distant memory until she did the Hoffman Process in 2009. With a Master’s degree in counselling psychology, and after working for years as a therapist, she felt that Hoffman was very much a ‘last ditch effort to save my personal life’.Read More »

April 14 – Chance Encounters with Hoffman graduates Patrick Holford & Don Young

hoffman_hAfter author and nutrition expert Patrick Holford did the Hoffman, he found a new passion emerging. Having spent years studying human nature he now felt drawn to explore nature herself; specifically the vast breathtaking landscapes of Africa. As so often happens when we follow our hearts he met a kindred spirit (and fellow Hoffman graduate), Don Young, who has spent much of his life as a conservationist and safari guide. The outcome of their chance meeting is both creative and inspiring.Read More »

February 14 – Stepping Off the Treadmill with Hoffman graduate James Wallman

hoffman_hAfter Strategy Director Thiru Wallman did the Hoffman Process in 2009 she came back much more confident about starting a family with her husband James, a journalist and trend forecaster. James did the Process two months later and in 2013, when their little girl was two, the couple decided to ‘go for the dream rather than the treadmill’.Read More »

July 16 - 'Feeling Fabulous' - with Hoffman Graduates

hoffman_h‘Just when we all need a little pick-me-up, two actresses and a writer share their thoughts on doing the Hoffman Process and how we all have the right to be ‘Absolutely Fabulous’…’ Read More »

May 16 - 'It's all about me...' Tips for living with narcissicim with Eleanor Moran

hoffman_h‘In a bid to understand and heal her own story, Eleanor found the voice for her most recent novel, A Daughter’s Secret, which dramatically describes the dance of the Daddy’s Girl. She offers tips to anyone living with narcissism or its legacy – because ‘when it’s all about me, it’s never about you…’Read More »

March 16 – Mighty oaks from little acorns grow with Jay Green

hoffman_h“Once you start to wrestle consciously with living in the present, having adolescents around whose instincts are to do nothing else but that is actually a great help. They pull you into the moment like nothing else…” Read More »

January 16 – New Year, New You with holistic therapist Anwar Ravjani

hoffman_h“Our bodies tend to mould themselves around our emotional experience so that we develop habits of posture and areas of physical tension and guarding which reflect our perception of reality. In fact, if we can learn to listen, our body relays information to us about how we feel in a constant information loop.”Read More »

November 15 – It’s Never Too Late with author Betty Hughes

hoffman_h ‘In 1998 Betty did one of the earliest UK Processes and has been one of its greatest supporters ever since. Whenever someone asks if it’s too late to do the Process because they’re ‘too old to change’ Betty’s bright blue eyes and radiant smile come to mind…’ Read More »

September 15 – Everyone’s a Winner with Stephen Bourne, Centre of Excellence for Tendering & Negotiation at Janssen

hoffman_h ‘Negotiations aren’t reserved for business. They happen every day with everyone around us. We negotiate our way through life from the nursery to the grave…’ Stephen shares his top tips on negotiation and communication.’Read More »

July 15 – Parenting: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly with Carole Saad

hoffman_h ‘Relationship coach and Montessori teacher Carole Saad used to run her own nursery, so she assumed she’d be a ‘natural’ mother. However, when she had children of her own, Carole realised there was another element that she hadn’t considered – the differences in parenting styles between her and her husband, Nadim…Read More »

May 15 – Timeout, not burnout with Frederique Bicker

hoffman_hPsychologist Frederique Bicker has a practice in Amsterdam helping clients with a wide range of challenges, including stress. She also has a background of treating addiction at the Priory in London. Here she explains why she believes treating stress holistically gets the best results.Read More »

March 15 – The Top 5 Patterns That Can Run Our Lives And How To Unravel Them with Hoffman UK Founder, Tim Laurence

hoffman_hA foundation stone of the Hoffman Process is building an awareness of the patterns that run our lives. Here Hoffman UK founder Tim Laurence explains why it’s so helpful to identify our patterns, where they come from and the easiest way to unravel them.Read More »

January 15 – Joyful Goals with Kelly Anne Buckley

hoffman_hIf the very idea of New Year’s Resolutions makes you want to do something that is fattening, illegal or immoral, you’ll love this fresh approach pioneered by Hoffman Graduate and Performance Coach Kelly Anne Buckley. Feeling that traditional goal-setting reflected outmoded values, Kelly got together with another performance coach and invented a joyful new recipe for making resolutions. It not only works but it’s really fun to achieve.Read More »

November 14 – What’s Your Story? with Psychotherapist Heide Baumann .

hoffman_hOne of the most common reasons that people contact Hoffman is because they feel stuck. Often an area of life feels as if it keeps repeating with little excitement or fulfillment. One way to get out of a rut is to look at the story you tell yourself about your life and your role in it. Psychotherapist Heide Baumann, who did the Process in 2007, is an expert in this approach.
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September 14 – The Spirit of Success with Hoffman graduate, Norman Drummond, CBE FRSE

hoffman_h From the gangland areas of Glasgow and Edinburgh as a young Minister to the present day as a celebrated international speaker and author, Norman Drummond’s life and work embodies a personal commitment to leadership and to developing talent in others. He is a Chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen in Scotland, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Visiting Professor of Leadership in Education at the University of Edinburgh.
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July 14 – Healthy Relationships – Are you Co-dependent? with Hoffman graduate, Psychotherapist & Imago Relationship Therapist – Sabine Young

hoffman_hCo-dependent patterns are usually handed down unconsciously through families. We generally grow up mimicking or in some way reacting to the way that people around us behave without questioning whether it’s in our best interests. Relationship and communication skills aren’t usually part of the educational curriculum but they are critical to success in our work life as well as to our personal happiness.
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May 14 – Weathering the Storm with Hoffman graduate and Times Journalist Rachel Kelly

hoffman_hIn 1997 Times journalist and working mother Rachel Kelly descended with shocking suddenness from a state of mild anxiety into a state of disabling depression. Over the next six years she gradually began to recover but was then hit by another bout of depression even worse than the first. This is her inspiring story of recovery which she is sharing in the hope of helping others.
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March 14 – New Beginnings; Rising from the Ashes with Hoffman graduates Lyn, David & Freya

hoffman_hThe imposing granite walls of Raasay House stand on the stunningly beautiful Isle of Raasay near Skye, off the west coast of Scotland. Historically the seat of the Macleod clan, the original house was burned down in 1746. More recently the house has relived its dramatic past in another conflagration but, despite tremendous setbacks, the current guardians have fulfilled their promise that it would once more rise from the ashes. It’s a story of extraordinary tenacity, love and courage and over the past decade each of them came to the Hoffman Process for inspiration.
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