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Hoffman Newsletter: February 2015
hoffman... When you're serious about change

Confront Fears
Many of us attribute our stress levels to the hectic pace of today's lifestyle but our nervous system is actually conditioned from a young age. So if you're stuck in 'flight or fight' mode or anxiety is easily triggered, it can pay to take a look at your childhood. Hoffman Graduate and singer songwriter Lotte Mullan did exactly that and after years of therapy and depression she found unexpected peace. Her haunting new song about the experience of growing up during her parents' divorce is now the most requested at her gigs. 
If you're just finding out about Hoffman, you can learn more at our Introduction day on February 7th or at our next Information evening on February 24th. Hoffman graduates can also join us at our New Hoffman Support evening in London on February 18th as well as joining the Support Call on February 9th.

We are thrilled with the powerful feature by journalist Keith Cairncross that has recently appeared in 'NewYou' magazine - see more below. And finally, remember to check out our Hoffman Top Tip!

Wishing you courage and adventure   


With love from The Hoffman Team

Living on the EdgeFeatureanchor featureanchor

Lotte Mullan Singer songwriter Lotte Mullan achieved critical acclaim with her debut album 'Plain Jane'. She set up her own record company and wrote a blog about her adventures in the music business that was snapped up for a book and film deal by Elton John's Rocket Pictures. Despite creative success she found herself increasingly unhappy and unable to move on from her turbulent upbringing. After doing the Hoffman Process in 2012 she was inspired to write the haunting song about her childhood 'You must have loved him once' available on the link below.   

'Before I did the Hoffman course I walked around with a constant sense of unease; a feeling that gravity would lose its grip and at any second I'd be flung out into the unknown. There is a strong history of mental illness in my family and I grew up around a lot of unpredictable behaviour including domestic violence...'

Read more of Lotte's article

NEW! Hoffman Support Evenings
Hoffman London Support Evenings On Wednesday 18th February, we are hosting our first monthly support evening in London. Led by a member of the Hoffman team, the evening will give you the chance to revisit the tools, enjoy a Hoffman visualisation, and meet up with other Hoffman graduates.

This evening is free, but places are limited, so email the office to reserve your place.
If you can't make this date, the next support evening on on Friday 20th March.
Date: Wednesday 18th February
Venue: The Awareness Centre 41 Abbeville Road, SW4 9JX
Time: 7.30-9.30pm

NEW! Hoffman Article

New You Magazine Cover"When you have reached a point in life when you are fed up with being fed up, and feel you could be more fulfilled, it becomes obvious that something is holding you back. 

If staying in the 'trance' of daily life is becoming intolerable, then maybe the prospect of getting away from it all to explore the Hoffman process, a residential programme that fosters deep behavioural and attitudinal change may be an option. That's what I did..."

Journalist Keith Cairncross reports on his personal experience of the Hoffman Process in the magazine 'New You.'

365 Days to Change Your Life!
Hoffman Journal ImageTo commemorate twenty years of the Hoffman Process in the UK, we've produced the Hoffman Post Process Journal, featuring 365 tips and techniques to keep the Process alive in your life every day. Help keep those pesky parental patterns at bay!

Whether you've just finished the Process or you did it ten years ago, this colourful, interactive journal offers you a daily tip, challenge, suggestion or quote, inspiring you to revisit the tools in an engaging and original way. This journal is available to Hoffman Graduates only. 

Priced at £15. Order your copy (or copies) now - February's not too late to make a new start! 

New to Hoffman..?newanchor

Information EveningsInformation Evenings:
Tuesday February 24 and March 24
This event provides the opportunity to meet Hoffman teachers and Process participants, ask questions, hear people's experiences and decide if the Process is right for you. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Regent's University, London NW1 4NS.
The event is free and there's no need to book.
More Info

Introduction Day: Saturday February 7
This 'stand alone' workshop is for people curious to learn about the Hoffman Process and what to expect from this week-long residential course.The day is experiential and you will hear about the origins of the Hoffman Process and learn several Hoffman techniques. The day costs £85 which is deducted from the Process fee on registration. Booking is essential as places are limited. There is no charge for Hoffman graduates attending with family or friends.  

Information Phone-In
Information Phone-Ins:
Tuesday February 17
 and March 17  
Join our free monthly Conference calls to find out whether the Process is right for you. Tuesdays 7.30-8.30pm
These calls are led by a member of the Hoffman team and often include previous course participants who can help answer your questions. You can call from anywhere in the world with a local call charge.
For any questions about the Hoffman process, call 01903 889990 or email us 

Next Process DatesProcessanchor

Hoffman Magazine 

February 14-20, Florence House, E. Sussex FULL

March 14-20, Florence House, E.Sussex
April 4-10, Dunford House, W.Sussex SRA

April 18-24, Florence House, E. Sussex
May 2-8, Florence House, E. Sussex
(SRA = Single rooms available. Full = Wait list in operation.)

To book online, or for further dates, click here.


To read articles about the Hoffman Process or to order a copy of our magazine, click here.


For any questions about the Hoffman Process, call 01903 889990 or email us 

For Hoffman Graduates Gradsanchor

SSupport Callupport Call: Monday February 9
Transform Fear and Anxiety
This call will cover the tools and practices which will be most helpful in transforming patterns of fear and anxiety. 
Led by supervising Hoffman teacher Jeremy Kynaston.
Time: 7.30pm
Reconnection Day
Reconnection Day: Saturday May 16 
Use Hoffman tools to brush away the Winter blues!
Rekindle your vision, clarify your direction and remind yourself how the Hoffman tools can be used on a daily basis. Invite members of your Hoffman process group and reconnect the Hoffman way.
Time: 10.00am - 5.30pm
More info & to book
Q2 Refresher
Q2 Refresher: June 5-7
Are you missing the Hoffman connection?
The Q2 allows you to build upon your Process work, providing an opportunity to explore some of the areas that you wish to investigate further. It enables you to focus on a particular relationship or challenge as well as deepening your Process experience.
Venue: Florence House, East Sussex

For any questions on the Hoffman Process, please call 01903 889990 or email us

Hoffman Monthly Top Tiptoptip

Ducks upside down

Are you a good listener?


Think about it before you answer - listening is not the same as hearing. Very often, we are so taken with the importance of what we have to say and our need to say it, that we interrupt, which literally means 'to break between'. 

It is very simple yet surprisingly difficult to focus actively on what someone is saying to you. To really take on board what they are trying to communicate, reflect on it and respond appropriately.


Today, decide to become a good listener. The other person or people will appreciate your listening and will naturally become more inclined to listen to you.  

Until Next Month...
Fear is just your feelings asking for a hug
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